Stolen shamelessly from Diary of a Hope Fiend, Chandira's blog:
February - 1373, from L. februarius mensis "month of purification," from februa "purifications" (plural of februum), of unknown origin, said to be a Sabine word. The last month of the ancient (pre-450 B.C.E.) Roman calendar, so named in reference to the Roman feast of purification, held on the ides of the month. In Britain, replaced O.E. solmonaĆ° "mud month." English first (c.1200) borrowed it from O.Fr. Feverier, which yielded feoverel before a respelling to conform to Latin.
Well, I know where this comes from! 'Februa' were strips of flesh torn from sacrifices to the Gods done in Rome, goats, cows, etc, for purification, and fertility rites. Women were 'whipped' with them in the streets by the priests, and this was a sign of blessings of fertility in the coming year. Some would hide that didn't want another child, and some would feel it as a great blessing. You've all heard of the famous Roman Orgies?? The 'ides' of Feb coincide with... Valentines Day!!
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